Who Decides – Fear or Faith?

When reading the Bible, it never ceases to amaze me how a particular passage can just jump at you and reveal a very timely lesson. You might have read that passage several times beforehand and never spotted it. And then one day, you read it and do a double take. For me, when that happens,…

And He Marvelled…

Have you ever wondered why Jesus was impressed with the level of some people’s faith? The Bible records in two particular occasions that Jesus marvelled at someone’s faith. Can you imagine what it must be like to have Jesus marvel at your faith? What exactly are the things that might have made Jesus marvel and…

Lessons From A Group Of Sailors: More Than Meets The Eye

The book of Jonah is an intriguing one. Needless to say, there is a lot to learn from the life of Jonah – the importance of obedience, God’s merciful nature, God’s omnipresence and consequently the futility of trying to hide from Him, and so much more. However in this post, I am going to touch…

Can Death Ever Be A Blessing?

I’ve been reflecting on this question recently, partly because of two Bible passages I read in the past few weeks, and also because of other incidents that occurred during this time period. Isaiah 57:1-2 says, “Good people pass away; the godly often die before their time. But no one seems to care or wonder why….

Fighting Without Weapons?

Imagine you were called up to fight in a war, would you be willing to go to the frontline without any weapons? Probably not. Similarly, you would not want to ‘bring a knife to a gunfight’ either. Chances are, you want to go to a battleground fully equipped for battle.  As such, if the lieutenant…


Worship. Chances are, you usually hear that word in the context of song worship. What does it actually mean though? The dictionary tells me it is “the expression of reverence and adoration for a deity.” As such, what does it mean to worship, to truly express reverence and adoration for God? The answer to the…

Partway To Completion

Have you ever wondered why God answers some of our prayers in part, rather than completely? Or why there are times when a miracle may not be instantaneous but gradual? While reading from the Old Testament recently, I came across these verses. For context, this was in relation to the Israelites receiving the Promised Land…

A Sweet Word

“How sweet your words taste to me; they are sweeter than honey.” (Psalm 119:103, NLT) “”Son of man,” He said to me, “eat and fill your stomach with this scroll I am giving you.” So I ate, and it was as sweet as honey in my mouth.” (Ezekiel 3:3, BSB) Have you ever wondered why…

Is It Ready Yet?

Imagine you’re out for a meal at a restaurant… You’ve been ushered to a table, you’ve placed your order, and now you’re just sitting at your table, waiting for your meal. Depending on the kind of restaurant, this may be a long wait or a short one. If it is a fast food place, your…

What Do Love And Death Have In Common?

Today is Ash Wednesday and also St Valentine’s Day. Incidentally, I’ve read quite a few write-ups that paint them as almost contradictory, a juxtaposition of two different celebrations. However, when you dig a bit deeper, dusting off some of the ash to get to the bottom of things, you realise that these two days are…

Strategic Planning Versus Opportunism

Does it sometimes feel like the devil works faster than God? Does it feel like the devil is quicker to cause evil than God is to cause good or answer prayers? One morning I was pondering on this and felt an answer come to my heart: The devil primarily looks around for opportunities wherever he…

Desperate For Jesus

Dear Jesus, I will come into your presence. Like the man on the mat, neither a full house nor a roof will stop me. (Mark 2:3-11). Dear Jesus, I will reach out to touch you. Like the woman with the issue of blood, no throng of people will stop me. (Mark 5: 25-34; Luke 8:43-48)…